Go outside and play!


Aaron Mattix groomed Hwy 819 on Friday and ran the tracker, too.

The West Elk Trails are the perfect cure for the winter blues. Exercise doesn’t get any easier than cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Plus all the fresh, clean air your lungs can handle.

Temps were in the low 20s at the trailhead today — Saturday, January 7. Warmer than the temps in the valley.

Only a half dozen or so trail users yesterday and today. Don’t let the cold weather trap you indoors. It’s a lot warmer on the trails than you might think.

Here’s what you’re missing.

Kay's Loop

Kay’s Loop

Tod and Peggy Tibbetts tracked Eric’s Loop on skis in 6 to 8 inches of dense powder. Tracking Eric’s makes it a little easier for the Bearcat to get through the drifts. Then Tod packed Eric’s Loop with the Bearcat so the trail is in great shape.  More snow expected tonight and Sunday!

Eric's Loop before Tod ran the Bearcat around

Eric’s Loop before Tod ran the Bearcat around

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